tisdag 15 april 2008

PvP - a rush of blood to the head

As you might have noticed I have been playing mostly Lotro for som time now. The other day I had a bit of Lotro fatigue and decided to have a look at the new continent from patch 2.4. (Whats it called Sunwell?)

Well, my first impression was that it was a ton of daily quests in a concentrated area and not much more. Then I experienced the PvP aspect of WoW that Lotro totally lacks.

It was me, an undead rouge and an adrenaline overload...

God what a rush PvP is sometimes. The adrenaline makes your fingers shake... I really need to convince some of my old WoW companions to come back to play some arena again.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Just started reading this blog and love it. I have 2 sons as well and play in the evenings after bedtime. I also tried LOTRO for awhile, but dropped it.
Seems we are experiencing a similar gaming experience.