torsdag 14 februari 2008

Running on empty

After browsing my favourite blogs abot WoW I realize we share the same problem. Most of us are running on empty. Motivation is low, game time declines and old groups are torn apart due to ppl leaving the game.

One of my most trusted friends, which have I have played arena with a lot, have decided not to prolong his subscription. Another haven’t logged in for 3 weeks.

My warrior is stuck pre-Kara. My lock is loitering in Honor hold. And my paladin have taken a nap in Terrokar forest.

I feel I ought to level the lock and pally before WotLK arrives. But the levels between 60 and 70 are hard work. And somewhere in the back of my head I think "Maybe they will extend the 'easy leveling' to a 20-70 span after the expansion?"

Maybe the best thing is to take a break until expansion arrives so I won’t get fed up on WoW? :(

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hang in there DG. We are stuck pre-Kara as well (we rarely have enough folks around to staff a 5-man, let alone a 10-man raid), and leveling my frost mage since 60 has been painfully slow. Perhaps I have the advantage of not having been playing WoW as long so everything is still a bit new for me, but I think I feel as you do sometimes. Right now I am trying to enjoy spending time with a few friends and doing some PUGs with my alts while waiting until we can get enough folks together to do Karazhan. I'll be a very happy tank if I can see a bit of Kara and maybe ZA before the expansion.

Anonym sa...

I went through similar feelings several months ago. Our guild had gotten a bit further, we were running and almost clearing Kara, but we just couldn't for the life of us get a 25-man raid together so we were always either calling Gruul runs before they started or just wiping on HKM for hours on end with no forward momentum. A lot of the core people in the guild were ready to give up on the game, it just wasn't fun any more and friends were leaving the guild because of the lack of progress. The officers were putting in so much work we were all short on sleep, some of us were even getting sick over it.

In the end it took a server transfer to a different guild to get us back on our feet, and we've all re-kindled our love of the game.

I don't know what your specific situation is within the guild, but maybe you and a few friends could look for a change of scenery?