onsdag 23 januari 2008

Revive the heroics!

Heroics are a half assed attempt of keeping the same instances alive longer. Why not going for a more story related/accurate version of the heroics. Why are they harder? Why the same exact mobs?

Probably (I'm no designer) the hardest part wit the places are the layout and that kind of graphics. So keep that. The other must be the skins and movement of the mobs/bosses. So keep that too. The third must be placement so they chain pull properly etc and are at the right level of challenge. That needs to change.

Take Blood furnace for instance. That is a place where they have corrupted orcs to fel orcs and tapped the blood of Magtheridon to do so. Last boss is Kelidan the breaker - a warlock.
Lets make heroic BF like this: Since the heroes (that’s us ;D ) cleared the place the remnants of Kelidans soul has reshaped into an unstable dimensional rift and is spawning demons all through the place. Make first boss w skin of Omor (from ramp) and some new abilities. Place demons all over the place and make it feel new. Etc.

In my mind that wouldn’t make it that hard to get done - and give completely new content. Just jacking up the health and damage of everyone seems like a cheap solution.

Let the Belfs invade the empty Slave pens, make Nagas push into Mana tombs, let the demons take over Shadow labs. And why not revive the old continent instances in the same fashion? Let the beasts and monsters from Outland transgress the portal as well as us. Fel orcs would love BRD in my mind. Let the Belfs of Tempest keep ally with the Scarlet crusade.

What would you like to see?

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