onsdag 16 januari 2008

Bored, stupid or just mean?

I am currently leveling my lock a bit since it's a slow period in my warriors guild. My warrior is on a RPPvP server which is nice in two ways. First - it is always cool to have some RP interaction although it is scarce. But the best part is that ppl are a bit more mature. If I see a horde, I'd say it is a 50-50 chance that he will attack me. If I'm a lowbie and he's a lvl ?? for me I'd say he will only attack once out of ten. It is a bit civilized actually.

But my lock is on a pure PvP server. It is aggravating.

Logged in into Gadgetzan the other day. Came out of the inn and outside there is 4 lvl 50's loitering around trying to emote taunt me in to attacking them. Like anyone would with the guards around. Then they hang around waiting for any alliance trying to leave to gank them well away from the guards.

Next time in Gadgetzan a lvl 44 (I was lvl 48) tries to taunt me and lure me out of the city so his friendly ?? rogue can backstab me there. Good the guards cast net otherwise I would been had again.

And the third time I barely log on before a pally (?? again) runs around Gadg slaying all alliance and bubbles to get away from guards, runs out to loose aggro then repeat.

On this realm I always check out an inn before entering because often some lvl ?? hangs around there killing ppl.

What I wonder is - WHY??!!

The only gain from this behaviour is to aggravate other ppl. And the only reason to do so must be to take out their frustration from real life on someone in the game that can't fight back.

Now you might imagine that I am pissed. Well, I was at first - but not any longer. If anyone out there have been bullied in school, mistreated by their parents or feel that they are the lowest form on the social evoloutionary ladder. Then you are welcome to attack my lock. He's just a bunch of pixels and there isn't even a repair cost for PvP death. Go ahead give him your best shot.

I just hope that you realize that IRL-problems can't be solved in WoW or vice versa, so learn how to deal with them in real life too.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Ya I know the feeling bud. It's one of the many reasons that I've never in the over 2 years of playing this game leveled up a 2nd toon.

I rolled on a PvP server, but didn't know what this meant until far, far later. Like many others my decision to choose this server was based purely on the fact that I had friends already on this server.

I've found that ganking wise I've let a lot of people live and these days I don't really ever do it unless I'm especially angry. It's a release of anger for many of us. It's a way to show prowess to others. For me in the past when I actually did it a lot, it was when I got ganked... I ganked.

I've always said that I'd have never had any desire to gank people if I hadn't been ganked myself. The never ending circle...