fredag 11 januari 2008

The Sunwell

I am really looking forward to The Sunwell in 2.4. Especially the 5-man instance. Should be like Shadowlabs in difficulty. Nice.

The repetivity is the biggest issue now a days for me. Doing heroics? Nah, done them all to damnation before in normal. Doing Kara - don't got the time to join the guild. But battle grounds? Well - being the only one on defence sucks.

Arena is the joy of the moment. And playing my lock. I am at 48 so going ZF should be done already. But as most at my lvl are alts wanting to get boosted, LFG is mostly filled with lvl 41's that want to be walked through.

But it is nice anyhow to play the lock. Good fun to dot em up and fear em. Take next mob, repeat, then third. By that time the first is ready to be looted. =)

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