onsdag 23 januari 2008

S1 and Kara badges broke the way of progression

In a way I think that the vendor S1 (although I love it) has broken the progression chain. Same with Kara dropping badges.

Since Kara started dropping badges no one needed to go Heroics if they where in a good guild. And if you didn’t get anyone from a good guild to do Kara you wouldn't make it. And not being able to do heroics stops you from entering/playing with a good guild.

Now you might imagine that S1 for honor might solve that. But it actually made it worse. Foremost because it isn’t possible for a group to clear Kara if everyone has S1. The tank and healers need some PvE gear at least.
To make it worse, many decided that doing BG's half heartedly was an easier way to get the loot than struggling in Kara.

And if less people are going Kara or 25-man content. What do you need your epic S1 gear for?

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Dear Daddy Gamer,

I know what you mean about S1 gear bringing a new aspect to the game, but it's blizzards solution for the casual player which cant do kara and 25-man as often as other people.

I am raiding kara atm with my tank and healer and let me tell you that as a tank only the shield and shoulders of S1 helped me alot but the rest had to be pve.

For my paladin healer it's actually a diff story i got 5 S1 epics and with 1700 healing now unbuffed it is working fine :)

For dps it works just as well , last night a DPS warrior in full S1 and vindicator gear was on top of the damage meters with nicely pve geared mages and locks.

I do agree with you that heroics might be run less, last night we cleared 3 bosses in kara for 5badges and the time it took was the same as an heroic and ofc the loot is better in kara :)

If S1 gis helping more poeple to get to kara then i am happy for them.


DaddyGamer sa...

I agree that it is fine if the progress makes it easier to get into Kara. Wich it might. And the shield and shoulders are very nice for a tank.
The problem, at least from my perspective and experience, is that the ones already in Kara guilds are doing fine. But the new 70's are having a hard time getting into a guild that do run Kara.

This at least from a tank perspective. For lets say that you wanna go Kara and stack up on all good drops/rewards/faction gear before plus the shoulders and shield from S1. You are still some way from tanking Kara successfully.
And if the rest of the guild gears up in full S1 they might feel that they can do better and progress further.

The soloution maybe should be that decent tank gear should be available for purchase for honor as well?