onsdag 5 september 2007

Going Karazhan on friday

I have been chosen!

Our raid leader noticed me yesterday that I am to start tanking in Karazhan on friday!!!

We are a really casual and friendly guide so I shouldn't fell stressed or nervous about it. But it do tingle a bit in my stomach! Kinda stoopid, havent felt this way since my sporting days before a big match...

Fer crying out loud, I'm probably twice the age of many Kara-goers - but still, I am a bit... not nervous but... exited...

And truthfully a bit nervous to make a fool out of my self. This is a big chance for me to grab a firm spot in the guild as a good tank. I know I am concidered good already - otherwise they would have said no. But I felt the doubt in the tone of the raid leaders voice when he asked me if I felt up to it.

So fingers crossed - hope it will go allright.

I am only up for tanking the first boss. But I think he didn't wanna get my hopes up if he felt I wasn't up to par. So if I make good we may take four bosses on friday. I really hope they wont trade me out for another tank after we've done Midnight and Attumen...

Other news. My druid friend got his Feral Staff of Lashing yesterday. Really happy for him!

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