tisdag 11 september 2007

OMG they hit HARD!!!

Did my first heroic on the same friday I got shut out of the Kara raid. Went in with a PuG.

Usually when I party I feel a need to check on ppl that all have the right add-ons (like threat meters) or if they are comfortable with doing their class roles - like misdirection or seduce w succubus. This time it was different.

When we met at the summoning stone I felt like a spring chicken. After checking the others full epic gear I made a mental effort to cover myself. Felt naked in my blues.

Well - in we went. Me, a priest, a hunter, a mage and a warlock. First pull is as you remember a robot guardian. They hit hard. Around 4k I've heard. I was in a frenzy finding the right keys to get the proper rotation going. In a normal instance I don't even need to shield block. Here it is a must.

But since the robots always (preferably) come one at a time that was not a big issue. I dint loose aggro once from them, wich at least is a good testimony to my aggro generating abilities. Next pull was worse. Them casters are insane. I am mostly used to cast Spell reflect only in boss fights or so. Here I needed to do it constantly.

We had some deaths on the way - usually from early breaks in traps etc and clothies getting one shotted. I thank god for the fact that 'locks have so much hp since they are the aggro hoggers of all time. I think 3 out of 4 intervenes was to the 'lock. The others to the mage.

Boss fights are a totally new concept also. Totally different tactics. The polarity thing on the robo boss was brand new for me. Fun but dangerous. I did accidentally kill one party member after the fight when running to the boss to loot since the polarity was still on...

I did feel like a total n00b in there sometimes. But it was fun - more fun then I have had in a long time. Now I actually need to strain myself to do good.

Easy is boring - hard is educational.

(I did also get my first epic... No - not the Suneater, but a gem: Defenders Tanzanite with parry/sta on it. )

3 kommentarer:

Brehm sa...

I've just found your blog link from Kaliope's Crafting site. I really like it so far. I hope you keep it up because your style is easy to read and entertaining. Even though I've put my tank to work running back and forth between the Auction House and Bank, he's still a character I log in every day. And playing a healer almost full time I understand the tanking concerns. Keep up the good work

DaddyGamer sa...

Hello Brehm
Thank you for your comment!

Nice to know that what I write is appreciated!!

Hexapuma sa...

Found your site as well from Kaliope.. interesting read. I am myself both playing a warrior and a father. Although I no longer play "the raiding game"...